



10/03 (三) 19:00  K301


印度電影大師薩耶哲.雷 (SatyajitRay) 1964年代表作,改編自泰戈爾小說《破裂的鳥巢》的作品《孤獨的妻子》 Charulata (The LonelyWife),此部作品共榮獲1964年國家榮譽金獎、 1965年第15屆柏林國際影展最佳導演銀熊獎、國家電影獎年度最佳影片等大獎。


以 19 世紀末印度加爾各答的社會政治為背景, 描述恰魯拉達,一位中產階層已婚婦女的日常生 活,以及她對自我不斷認識的過程和情感變化。 恰魯拉達的丈夫整日埋首於工作中,對她總是缺 乏著瞭解和理解。疏於人陪伴的恰魯拉達,於是 在丈夫堂哥,一位富有生命熱情和創造力的年輕 詩人的陪伴下, 開始學會正視自己的內心,明白 自己想要的生活和未來前進的道路。

Charulata is set in the late 19th century India, based on the social and political background in Calcutta. It depicts a middle-class married woman- Charulata’s daily life and her process of self-awareness. Charulata’s husband is always busy at work and spends little time with her. The lonely Charulata then is accompanied by her husband’s cousin, a young poet who lives a life full of passion and creativity. Because of his edification, she begins to explore her inner self, pursuing her life and deciding her future.



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