

10/19(五) 19:00  K301





位於長野縣的下伊那郡,座落在群山環伺的大鹿 村。上了年紀的風祭善在當地經營一家鹿肉餐 廳,某天,遇到 18 年前與兒時玩伴私奔的妻子 貴子,返回村子的貴子卻已患上了失憶症,對於 風祭以及私奔的所有事情早已忘卻。風祭於是將 妻子留了下來,一邊照顧她,一邊參與大鹿歌舞 祭年度公演的彩排。終於到了公演前夕,猛烈的 暴風雨卻襲擊了山村。擁有歷史悠久的大鹿村歌 舞祭公演能否如期舉行呢 ?


Mr. Kazamatsuri is the owner of a restaurant that serves venison located in Ooshika village. One day unexpectedly he meets his missing wife who ran away with his childhood playmate 18 years ago. The returning wife suffered from amnesia and cannot remember who Mr. Kazamatsuri is as well as her betrayal. Mr. Kazamatsuri decides to forgive his wife. He takes care of her while preparing for the dress rehearsal for Ooshika festival’s annual performance. On the eve of the festival, the village is attacked by a violent storm. Will the historic performance be successfully held?


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